
Welcome to Just Quilting online!  We’re a friendly, creative fabric and quilting accessories shop based in Camperdown, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, and on this site you can get all the info on our upcoming classes, new arrivals, finished projects and all the important stuff like how to find us.

Since opening in 2008, we have attracted regular quilters to our drop-in groups and always welcome new stitchers of all abilities to come and work on their projects or learn a new technique at our weekly tuition classes.

We stock an extensive range of fabrics and packs including Moda, Thimbleberries, Lecien, Stoff, Makower, Kaufman, RJR Fabric Freedom, Nancy Halvorsten and lots more.

We also supply essentials such as wadding, wide-width backing, Gutermann threads, patterns, jelly rolls, charm packs, notions, books and everything you need for your quilting requirements.

Our haberdashery section offers a wide range of quilting accessories and tools such as rotary cutters, rulers, cutting boards, quilt hangars, braids, ribbons, buttons, silk threads and DMC embroidery thread.

We are always getting in new arrivals and if you’re looking for something specific that we don’t already stock, put in a request and we’ll do our best to order it in for you.

We offer daily drop-in sessions where quilters come to work on projects and get support and inspiration from the group.  Our tuition classes are very popular and often book up quickly, so please take a look at the list of upcoming classes and contact the shop to secure your place.

We take requests for classes and often repeat projects during the year, just in case classes become fully booked.

At Just Quilting, we love getting involved in group projects and many of us have taken part in making a charity quilt and participated in Thimbleberries Block Of The Month.

Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for all the latest happenings and updates.